By the Numbers
Volunteers make it possible for GIS Colorado to provide resources to GIS Professionals in Colorado.
Volunteer Opportunites
Volunteer positions are unpaid unless otherwise stated.
Type: Volunteer, confirmed annually
Commitment: 5-10 hours a month
GISP Points Earned: 3 pts per year of service
Prerequisite: GISCO Membership
The GISCO Event Coordinator is responsible for coordinating with quarterly meetup organizers, the training coordinators, special events planning committees, communications committee, and scholarship committee to create Eventbrite events (when needed), confirm the accuracy of event details for posting on the website, to social media, and distributing to the listserv. Activities include:
- Create and manage GIS Colorado Eventbrite events
- Schedule and manage Zoom meetings when appropriate
- Coordinate with quarterly meetup organizers to ensure all to-do items related to the event are achieved in a timely and satisfactory manner
- Run weekly reports for events and place in Registration folder for appropriate event
- Coordinate with the training coordinator(s) to ensure that training details are available in Eventbrite, on the website, and distributed to attendees to drive interest and attendance
- Liaison with committees established for special events such as Elevations Geospatial Summit, Mapping Contest, Strategic Planning sessions, etc. to create events if necessary.
Type: Volunteer, confirmed annually
Commitment: 10 hours a month
GISP Points Earned: 3 pts per year of service
Prerequisite: GISCO Membership
The GISCO Sponsorship Coordinator is responsible for maintaining a mutual beneficial connection with sponsors and the GIS Colorado organization. The Sponsorship Coordinator communicates sponsorship benefits to sponsor
prospects, processes new sponsors, maintains contact with current sponsors with any support necessary.
Activities include:
- Respond to sponsorship inquiries
- Present sponsorship benefit material to prospects.
- Shepherd prospects through the sign up process.
- Coordinate with the treasurer to retrieve sponsorship discount membership codes.
- Communicate after the sponsor point of contact (POC) signs up to provide discount membership codes and sponsorship badges
- Track and deliver any benefits defined by the sponsorship level. (see sponsorship level) which can include but is not limited to training contact lists, quarterly attendance lists, or listserv marketing emails.
- Update sponsorship records if POC changes over the course of time.
- Individual follow up with sponsors near the time of sponsorship expiration to encourage renewal.
- Identify synergistic sponsorship ideas and bring them to the board for review.
Type: Volunteer, confirmed 3 to 6 months ahead
Commitment: 12 hours
GISP Points Earned: none
Status: Rolling
Prerequisite: none
GIS Colorado meetings quarterly around the state of Colorado. A local point of contact helps the quarterly planners find great local food options, good venues for trainings or meetings, and where the best place to host a Mappy Hour. We are typically looking for people who want to show off their town or neighborhood. Time committement is minimal but crutial to the success of the event.
Committee Members
Type: Volunteer, confirmed annually
Commitment: 10 hours a month
GISP Points Earned: Chair earns
3 pts per year of service
Status: Open, committee members
Prerequisite: GISCO Membership
The Communications Committee exists to spread information about the GIS Colorado organization to its members, its sponsors and the wider community of GIS professionals. Using marketing and communication industry best
practices, the Communications Committee provides a polished and professional outward “face” for the GIS Colorado Board through documented communications. GIS Colorado’s communications are broken down into the following
large sections, Branding, Marketing, Website, and Social Media. The committee has approval by the Board to communicate following best practices about all activities and actions formally approved by the board. The
committee may make recommendations to the board. The Board has final say over acceptance of the recommendation.
The Communications committee members are expected to:
- Attend scheduled communications meeting on a regular cadence, typically monthly.
- Record progress on communication tasks, identification of missing information, steps to resolve any gaps identified in the organization.
- Submit meeting notes to the board before the monthly board meeting.
- Act on their specific tasks between meetings.
- Work with other committees, coordinators and board members to gather timely. information about the organization’s events and happenings.
The Chair is expected to:
- Attend the monthly board meeting as a liaison to the communications team.
- Submit any communication changes which require money decisions or are governed by the bylaws of the board for review and approval.
- Chair the communications meeting and keep the committee accountable.
- Read in new volunteers as needed.
- Maintain access and passwords for communication channels following board guidelines.
- Coordinate with the webmaster as needed for access to the website to promote content.
Type: Volunteer, invite only
Commitment: 10 hours a month
GISP Points Earned: Chair earns
3 pts per year of service
Status: Committee members
Prerequisite: GISCO Membership
GIS Colorado (GISCO) offers post-secondary scholarships every academic year. The scholarship program is managed by the Scholarship Committee. The application window is typically open from March to May, with recipients
applying their scholarship to the following fall semester/term. This means that only continuing students are eligible for the scholarship and winners’ fall enrollment is verified before they receive the award.
The Scholarship Committee has historically been made up of 5-6 individuals with 1 chair or 2 co-chairs. There is currently no term limit for Scholarship Committee members nor chairs. When members step down, invitations to fill the spots are typically first offered to the most recent graduate scholarship recipients. There are no official qualifications to serve on the committee.
Time commitment for members generally falls under 10 hours per year. The committee meets once per month for one hour or less from January to June. The bulk of the time commitment is required to review and score applications in June.
Time commitment for the committee chair is roughly 30 hours per year. The chair attends monthly committee meetings, monthly Board meetings, and also performs the bulk of the file management, emailing, and facilitating between scholarship tasks and Board responsibilities (ex. updating the website, verifying winner enrollment, overseeing award disbursement, etc.)
Earn GISP Points
All opportunities earn points that can be applied towards GISP participation.
Help a little or help a lot. Volunteer in a way that can work with your schedule.
your way
Build something that will last by applying your unique skills to the tasks at hand.
How does it work?
GIS Colorado is an all-volunteer organization which is committed to promoting professional and friendly GIS related events in the State of Colorado.
We are looking for individuals who want to share their professional expertise, local knowledge, and administrative flare, to build up GIS in Colorado. GISCO is here today because of the commitment and involvement by GIS professionals just like you.

How to Volunteer
Please complete the volunteer form to let us know what you are interested in. Most opportunities require GISCO membership, so take a moment to make sure your membership is up-to-date.